Daily life. When I was a kid it used to mean get up and go to school. Get home, do homework and have supper then, watch TV. Dad went to work, came home ate and watched TV. Mom kept it running at home. Simple.
Nowadays, whew. What a circus. Clothing, cell phones, attitude and music all have taken a big jump into a truly different direction. Sure, we liked music when I was a kid but it was getting your thrill on Blueberry Hill or Little Duece Coupe. Now, suck this, f that, bitch, ho, seems kind of sad.
It seems we are so self involved and wrapped up in our own little worlds we forget the rest of the world is always watching. Like driving. I have actually lost my opportunity to get through an intersection because I had to wait for all the left turning cars to finish running the red light. Courtesy is a fondly remembered little practiced thing these days. Personally, I have decided to be overly courteous. I get a kick out of the reaction people have when I wave them to go before I do. Maybe it'll catch on a little.