Well, I just turned 60 and am sad that I no longer can visit with a variety of people from my youth. They've all passed on. I am sad because I miss them and if they were still alive, they would owe me considerable sums of money. A few of them bet me a million dollars I wouldn't make it to 30. As you can see from the picture I raced motorcycles and they figured that a wild kid like me would never make it to adulthood. SURPRISE!!! Here I am. Sad to say, I can now relate to why the seniors of my day were cantankerous and crabby. I have to admit I am a little sick and tired of all the dumbing down of America the media is accomplishing. We still need a different direction. More on that coming.
The media is so focused on anything that is able to be used and abused. Like the current Tiger Woods fiasco. Is he a good guy? How do I know. Is he a philanderer? Apparently. Is that any of my business? No, and I don't really care. I enjoy watching him play golf. He is possibly the best professional golfer ever. If he can't keep his pants zipped up it doesn't affect me. It affects his relationship with his wife whose picture is just to the right of Tiger below.
So, looking at her, I guess having a ton of money and traveling all the time creates plenty of opportunities Tiger to "sample" other interesting relationships (the physical kind). Personally, I can't understand why he would. She looks pretty interesting to me. But, none of my business and he will ultimately pay the price.
Me, now that I'm 60, not too interested in fooling around. Not many "takers" anyway. Although as a personal goal I decided it was time to improve and lose some of the tonnage. I had "hit" 310 pounds at my sad peak. Now, I am 70 pounds lighter and hopefully can keep that going. "Enormo must die" is my personal motto. What works for me is push back from the table. Eating is not fun. Also, exercise because that helps everything. I am getting keen to keep walking more and maybe even renew my membership at the Health Club. Hit the machines.