I think it may have finally happened. I did have an Epiphany a few minutes ago. It is not about me, it is about society. I think I now understand why the Liberal Democrats want to force immigration reform. There is nothing wrong with anyone wanting to come to America to participate in our society and desiring the opportunity for success and a better way of life. I completely respect that. Much of this is focused on Latinos who have illegally crossed the border and have become an enormous burden on our social systems. Yes, they have. They go to the hospitals and have no money to pay or insurance. So, Medicaid picks up the tab and it is a fraction of the cost for the hospital. Because of that hospitals are losing money and descend into the inability to evolve and improve healthcare. They don't have the money to do it.
In spite of that I have met many Mexicans and most of them are good hearted, hard working people that just want to have a better standard of living and enjoy the American Democracy. That is a good thing.
So, with President Obama and the utterly corrupt "Pelosi Gang" on the hill apparently working to move us toward Socialism they need a way to restructure our society. This is really expensive and in spite of all the finger pointing President Obama has done trying to blame the Republicans the hard evidence directly from the Congressional Office of the Budget clearly show this to be completely untrue.
We are on the verge of massive tax increases (go check the Washington Post) which will crush our standard of living. If we allow all the folks that have entered illegally to enjoy citizenship through immigration reform, I think the Democrats believe we will then have a new lower class. Then the existing middle class will be changed to the new upper class. Our existing lower class will be the new middle class and the upper class will have had all their wealth stolen by the government and redistributed. Welcome to the new American Society. Redistribution of wealth, Socialism and sadly a new way of life most of us will not find acceptable. To me, that explains it all.