Since I love riding my BMW R1200GS I thought it might be nice to post some additional news on that. It is a truly awesome motorcycle as I stated and I just hit 60,000 miles on it! On the truly excellent mileage I get riding it one nice thing is I just got one tank of gas where I hit 61 miles per gallon which is a really excellent number of miles to achieve because that saves me money! Also, when I ride I have a variety of back roads I love to ride on since they have beautiful curves which makes them much fun because I love riding on curvy roads!
One other thing is I just got a Garmin zumo 660LM GPS which is one they make specifically for motorcycles. That is truly nice since it is waterproof and weatherproof and sun proof which keeps it very reliable and it also has lifetime map updates included which saves me a lot of money over the years. It also works super well and has many options on what and how to display everything. I set it to always have it oriented with the screen having North up and showing the motorcycle icon on the map moving in the direction I am actually going.
One other nice thing is I use it for the speedometer since it is way more accurate than the speedo on the bike which prevents me from having problems riding at the proper speeds. One nice thing it does is showing a speed zone sign on the bottom right corner of the display which always is well matched since it updates as I pass posted speed zone signs on the roads.