Getting another dose of the aggravation that is caused by the "Lame-Stream Media" (Thanks Sarah Palin) raising public outrage over the TSA increasing security. Making a big deal about the pat downs and body scans. In my opinion, yeah I almost always have one, this is improving security for air travellers. There have been an increase in the number of onboard events and the terrorists (yes they are even if they are American WASPs) are becoming more and more methodical and trickier in getting explosives onboard.
Do you recall the Lockerbie tragedy? The shoe bomber? The underwear bomber? The laser toner cartridge bomb? They're the ones you hear about and that is most likely only a fraction of the number of times weapons and illegal devices are getting on planes.
The TSA folks are doing their jobs and flying is safer because of that. If some deluded suicide bomber gets a device onboard and takes down another plane the LSM (Lame-Stream Media) will have a field day raking the TSA over the coals. That is what they want and how they operate. If they can raise public outrage and get the TSA to back down there is a better chance that a bomber will take a plane full of innocent people down and then they have a really big news event and will hammer the TSA mercilessly for not being effective in preventing it from having happened. They want that, not just quiet day to day life.
If they reported on all the good things that are happening and other non-negative news we would be happier and life would be smarter and better. They never will. They want big events.
So, in conclusion, keep it up TSA, don't back down. Make it safe. And I would like for the LSM stop doing newscasts of total chowder-heads whining about being patted down. Interview me so I can complement the TSA for doing a more effective job of making air travel safer.
Also, do a nice segment on something like how St.Jude is helping so many children fight serious illnesses and keeping them alive and getting them well. Also, go to a rural church social in the Mid-West somewhere and have a nice big meal while chatting with the folks and show everyone that there is a solid middle America out there not just constantly on the cell-phone, SUV (or BMW or whatever Daddy bought them) driving brain-dead Princesses and male chowder-heads. I am so sick and tired of the "Dumbing-Down" of America thing that is going on. That is the end of our social value system and you kids are on the way to a very different lifestyle.
That is what we need.
From the book Dune by Frank Herbert. When the Prince Leto Atreides finally has his epiphany he shouts "Father, the sleeper has awakened". I, on the other hand may still be awaiting mine.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
I Write Like

A good friend sent me a link to a website that can analyze your writing style and I did it. If you want to try it for yourself, take a trip to :
I took three different posts from my Blog (yeah, this one) and each had a different result. I write like Edgar Allen Poe and H.P. Lovecraft and also Gertrude Stein. I never would've guessed I am that kind of writer.
So then, now that I know I have some actual talent lurking somewhere in my ever deteriorating brain it may be time to actually write something. A book. Stay tuned for more.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Game Changing Ideas
I was thinking about things I have thought of over the years and a couple of interesting ones come to mind. Back about 38 years ago I gave a guy an idea that changed drag racing in a really serious way. I was a motorcycle mechanic and a guy came into the shop one evening and it turned out he was the owner of the funny car "Chi-town Hustler". I talked with him and suggested that he could be really competitive if he tried slipping the clutch instead of 'lighting up" the tires all the way down the strip. I said we did that coming off the corners racing motorcycles to get a better drive off the corner and he did it. Hence, the "slipper" clutch was invented and developed which revolutionized drag racing completely. Yeah, I did it.
Another one of my ideas was in a conversation with a friend during lunch about 6 years ago. He is an amateur astronomer and our discussion was about the fact that astronomers see that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate and can't explain why. I am not an astronomer or theoretical physicist but offered up an idea. I think that, after reading an article on String Theory (which is now called M-Theory) that there are these enormous ultra dense multiple universes called membranes (or colloquially - 'branes') that are next to each other. Large and sort of flat, My theory is that 2 of them adjacent to each other "fluttered" and touched. this created the singularity at the touchpoint and they passed through one another creating a "bubble". The singularity was a form of special energy about the size of a proton (according to another article I read).
As the bubble expanded the intense gravity field of the branes was interacting with the singularity and pulled it apart. Hence the "Big Bang". In my intuitive opinion the bubble is growing and some remnants of the branes are the dark matter we are intermixed with and that intense gravity field is causing the universe to accelerate as it continues to expand. The timeframes are oddly different (since I read that the M-Verse(?) is 11 dimensional and I assume that could mean that the bubble in the branes is a few pico-seconds old in their timeframe and, what, about 14 billion years old in ours. So now you have another blast from the ever curious mind of Bob.
Another one of my ideas was in a conversation with a friend during lunch about 6 years ago. He is an amateur astronomer and our discussion was about the fact that astronomers see that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate and can't explain why. I am not an astronomer or theoretical physicist but offered up an idea. I think that, after reading an article on String Theory (which is now called M-Theory) that there are these enormous ultra dense multiple universes called membranes (or colloquially - 'branes') that are next to each other. Large and sort of flat, My theory is that 2 of them adjacent to each other "fluttered" and touched. this created the singularity at the touchpoint and they passed through one another creating a "bubble". The singularity was a form of special energy about the size of a proton (according to another article I read).
As the bubble expanded the intense gravity field of the branes was interacting with the singularity and pulled it apart. Hence the "Big Bang". In my intuitive opinion the bubble is growing and some remnants of the branes are the dark matter we are intermixed with and that intense gravity field is causing the universe to accelerate as it continues to expand. The timeframes are oddly different (since I read that the M-Verse(?) is 11 dimensional and I assume that could mean that the bubble in the branes is a few pico-seconds old in their timeframe and, what, about 14 billion years old in ours. So now you have another blast from the ever curious mind of Bob.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
The fun of business travel
After changing positions within my company last year the experience of living on airplanes has ended. The really nice part is I love not travelling. I'm not afraid of flying, I love it. I actually took flying lessons in my younger days and wanted to be a pilot. The part I don't like is all the parking and waiting to get on the plane.
So, in order to ensure I don't have to go back to a life in the air I thought it would be a good idea to see if the Department of Homeland Security would think of offering up a voluntary ability to get on the no-fly list. Then I will happily avoid spending 300 hours a year in airports. Yeah thats an average of 4-6 hours per trip (60 per year or more). I leave for the aiport 3 hours prior to departure and just sit in the boarding area calmly doing email and calls instead of like some of my colleagues crawling through security calling at boarding time begging me to convince the gate agents not to close the door since they are on the way. I actually am tempted to offer the gate agents $20 to close it up so I can be shed of those chowderheads.
So, all in all I love to travel and like I said it is just the whole airport thing. So, enjoy sitting next to the princess with her little barky dog in the dog purse and all the screaming kids. I actually feel so sorry for the parents of those kids that for some reason start screaming their brains out as soon as the plane passes about 10,000 feet. Some of them keep it up all the way and others nicely calm down when Mom or Dad soothes them into the quiet zone.
So, in order to ensure I don't have to go back to a life in the air I thought it would be a good idea to see if the Department of Homeland Security would think of offering up a voluntary ability to get on the no-fly list. Then I will happily avoid spending 300 hours a year in airports. Yeah thats an average of 4-6 hours per trip (60 per year or more). I leave for the aiport 3 hours prior to departure and just sit in the boarding area calmly doing email and calls instead of like some of my colleagues crawling through security calling at boarding time begging me to convince the gate agents not to close the door since they are on the way. I actually am tempted to offer the gate agents $20 to close it up so I can be shed of those chowderheads.
So, all in all I love to travel and like I said it is just the whole airport thing. So, enjoy sitting next to the princess with her little barky dog in the dog purse and all the screaming kids. I actually feel so sorry for the parents of those kids that for some reason start screaming their brains out as soon as the plane passes about 10,000 feet. Some of them keep it up all the way and others nicely calm down when Mom or Dad soothes them into the quiet zone.
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