Thursday, November 11, 2010

Game Changing Ideas

I was thinking about things I have thought of over the years and a couple of interesting ones come to mind. Back about 38 years ago I gave a guy an idea that changed drag racing in a really serious way. I was a motorcycle mechanic and a guy came into the shop one evening and it turned out he was the owner of the funny car "Chi-town Hustler". I talked with him and suggested that he could be really competitive if he tried slipping the clutch instead of 'lighting up" the tires all the way down the strip. I said we did that coming off the corners racing motorcycles to get a better drive off the corner and he did it. Hence, the "slipper" clutch was invented and developed which revolutionized drag racing completely. Yeah, I did it.

Another one of my ideas was in a conversation with a friend during lunch about 6 years ago. He is an amateur astronomer and our discussion was about the fact that astronomers see that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate and can't explain why. I am not an astronomer or theoretical physicist but offered up an idea. I think that, after reading an article on String Theory (which is now called M-Theory) that there are these enormous ultra dense multiple universes called membranes (or colloquially - 'branes') that are next to each other. Large and sort of flat, My theory is that 2 of them adjacent to each other "fluttered" and touched. this created the singularity at the touchpoint and they passed through one another creating a "bubble". The singularity was a form of special energy about the size of a proton (according to another article I read).

As the bubble expanded the intense gravity field of the branes was interacting with the singularity and pulled it apart. Hence the "Big Bang". In my intuitive opinion the bubble is growing and some remnants of the branes are the dark matter we are intermixed with and that intense gravity field is causing the universe to accelerate as it continues to expand. The timeframes are oddly different (since I read that the M-Verse(?) is 11 dimensional and I assume that could mean that the bubble in the branes is a few pico-seconds old in their timeframe and, what, about 14 billion years old in ours. So now you have another blast from the ever curious mind of Bob.

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