Thursday, November 04, 2010

The fun of business travel

After changing positions within my company last year the experience of living on airplanes has ended. The really nice part is I love not travelling. I'm not afraid of flying, I love it. I actually took flying lessons in my younger days and wanted to be a pilot. The part I don't like is all the parking and waiting to get on the plane.

So, in order to ensure I don't have to go back to a life in the air I thought it would be a good idea to see if the Department of Homeland Security would think of offering up a voluntary ability to get on the no-fly list. Then I will happily avoid spending 300 hours a year in airports. Yeah thats an average of 4-6 hours per trip (60 per year or more). I leave for the aiport 3 hours prior to departure and just sit in the boarding area calmly doing email and calls instead of like some of my colleagues crawling through security calling at boarding time begging me to convince the gate agents not to close the door since they are on the way. I actually am tempted to offer the gate agents $20 to close it up so I can be shed of those chowderheads.

So, all in all I love to travel and like I said it is just the whole airport thing. So, enjoy sitting next to the princess with her little barky dog in the dog purse and all the screaming kids. I actually feel so sorry for the parents of those kids that for some reason start screaming their brains out as soon as the plane passes about 10,000 feet. Some of them keep it up all the way and others nicely calm down when Mom or Dad soothes them into the quiet zone.

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