Thursday, December 02, 2010

Earth, are we alone???

Just reading a little and apparently scientists are revising their thoughts on how many stars are in the universe. Apparently they now think there are 300 sextillion of them. That's 3 with 23 zeros. Also, the belief about the structure of galaxies being like the Milky Way are changing as well. Lots of things are different. Not going into all that since it isn't too interesting for most folks. How many dwarf stars vs. giants and gas giant planets etc. etc. etc.

Now the idea is that there could be as many as a trillion Earth-like planets out there. That immediately got me thinking that if there are some number of them that they are orbiting a star similar to ours at the same distance as we are from our star, that we refer to as the Sun and with the same tilt (axis of rotation) and other coincidental similarities that there might be lots more life out there. The next thing that I thought of is that given the formation of chemicals in the seas on them that perhaps there are other coincidental similarities. Amino acids, single cell micro-organisms (yeah, microbes). Then they evolve into proto life-forms. I am guessing that there are lots of dinosaur worlds out there. We would be really different if the dinosaur apocolypse hadn't occurred on Earth.

Not so sure that the mammals would've been able to become the dominant life form. With the meteor strike ending the dinos the surviving mammals got to develop and here we are. If we are lucky to have that in our history and they don't it would be really interesting to see one of those dino worlds. Evolution would have them evolved to some pretty amazing and dangerous (for us) efficiencies which would make them a seriously interesting subject for a Hollywood movie.

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