Wednesday, December 08, 2010

TV the Vast Wasteland

Interesting that as I get older I am in fact getting cranky. One thing that is on my list of annoyances is television. After watching TV for 58 years I am at a point where I won't watch it much anymore. TV has always been referred to as "Commercial Television". To me that is a differentiator from free TV.

It used to be that a 30 minute TV show would have a commercial break at the 15 minute mark. Of course there would be commercials after the end, which was just before the beginning of the next show. Now, to me at least, Commercial Television is all commercials occasionally interrupted by a few minutes of the program I can't often keep my interest in. I actually timed things and there were 6 minutes of show and 3 to 5 minutes of commercials. So, the content is about 30-40% commercials. Groan. . .

One other example is when I am trying to watch a NASCAR race. I can't even watch 2 complete laps before they go to commercial. At the end we get to see that last few but I have to admit that when it is so interrupted all the time it isn't watching a race. It is, watching commercials for 4 hours. Bye Bye NASCAR and TV.

So then, not that you care, I just get frustrated and off I go into a rant. Feeling a bit mad at myself but it is not something I tolerate very well. TV is truly a vast wasteland. A good example of what I am ranting about is try watching anything in the morning. All commercials. They even come back from commercials and tell you what is coming up and go back to more commercials. So, sit around and enjoy them, I won't.

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